Beaver Moon on a Warm Evening

The moon in all its fullness is a constant friend. Ever reminding me of the passage of time within a cycle that seems on the surface, at least intellectually, comprehendible complete with a built-in visual companion guide. By the time the Cold Moon arrives on Christmas Day, the girls will all be home and we’ll be celebrating everyone’s return from mid-coast, across the Atlantic, across the bay and across the country. Together we will celebrate the tradition they cherish. 

Perched on the rocks in Davies Cove waiting for the moon, a 30ish foot Ericson with a white main and a dark grey jib made its way through Hussey Sound on this warm late November full-moon night. As I sat quietly, the centers in my body me heart and mind relax. I’ve been stuck in what has felt like a seasons long discomfort. Named only by the fluttering fleeing feeling of is flight away from my soul. 

This fall I’ve been out of sync. A deep sense of foreboding, a niggling electric irritation had settled into my solar plexus keeping me hyper alert and questioning everything. 

What’s up? Too much- the world, and my world feels out of balance. Spinning out just beyond my ability to accept. I’m not wise enough to yet discern if it feels so because I feel out of balance. Peruse through any of the major newspapers I subscribe to and all too real story immerges. It’s hard to grapple with this world’s reality. 

I’ve spent too little time sitting quite in nature this fall. Drinking in the golden light of autumn that bathes the island as the day dawns and as evening falls. This gentle awareness brings with it a soft whisper to my inner-self… you need this. Take good care. It’s ok not to have noticed. Thank you for this lovely gentle reminder. 

So just for today I’ll remember how to create balance in myself. A predawn walk with a friend, a kiss from my beloved at he headed to the 7:15 ferry. A swim with the Mermaids on the high tide. A lovely acknowledgment that sometimes that’s all it takes to begin to turn the inner tide of disharmony into gentle waves toward seeking balance. 

December is a month of personal milestones. The new one for this year is marking of the 50th performance from the Peaks Island House Concert Series. This feels audacious. Something undertaken in an attempt to simply bring something beautiful to life in this place we love so dearly. An opportunity to contribute toward co-creating the kind of community we want to live in, made possible by the truly magnificent artists willing to come out and give of themselves and to the audiences willing to come and experience the beauty they create. Their willingness to preform and our willingness to support this effort is a generative experience of co-creation. Palpable and authentic. The artists and the audience creating an experience that is a full-body immersive creative experience. We hear, we see, we move, we feel and we are changed. They play, they see, they feel and are affirmed. Together having an experience that is truly transformative, the energy has gone out into the world, a force of goodness and connection.  Thank you, Peaks Island. Thank you for giving the encouragement necessary to keep moving forward. 

We hope to see you Sunday, December 17th at 7pm in the Sanctuary of the New Brackett Church for the Seamus Egan Project. If you don’t know his work, come and experience what others have been seeing, hearing, feeling and affirming for the past three or four decades. You will be really glad that you gave this gift to yourself.


Celtic Connections


The Reluctant Farmer